Past Events

The Daily Coach Network comes together on Zoom and in-person for themed Community Calls, guest interviews, Forums, and networking. Below are some of the events we've hosted recently.

Curious to see one yourself? Check out our next public event, How Championship Teams Build Culture, on July 10th here .

Community Call

Aligning Passion and Position

Guest Interview

Roger Martin - Strategy is about Choices

Community Call

Coaching Others to Think Strategically

Community Call

Holding our Teams Accountable

Community Call

Developing Future Leaders in your Organization

Community Call

Evaluating Prospective Team Members

Community Call

Addressing Generational Differences

In-person Event

Community Dinner - New York City

Guest Interview

Sally Jenkins - Lesson From Top Coaches

Community Call

Driving Change without Full Authority

Community Call

Balancing Professional and Personal

Community Call

Motivating and Maintaining Drive

Application Deadline is July 26, 2024

The Daily Coach Network is a small group of sports executives, business leaders, and coaches that are driven to elevate the performance of their teams. We're once again growing the size of our community of leaders. Successful applicants will be accepted on a first come, first serve bases until all the spots are full. Apply before July 26th.

Membership Includes

Attend our monthly speaker series with top coaches and sports executives

Access an on-demand library of guest speaker video recordings and The Daily Coach Newsletter lessons

3-month minimum commitment*

Discuss your ideas and challenges with the same group of 8-12 leaders each month for 1.5 hours, facilitated by Michael Lombardi.

Attend Group Calls on Zoom with 10-15 other members to discuss pertinent topics, voted on by the community.

Share resources and experiences in our online community of high-performance leaders.

Watch our monthly guest interview series with top coaches and leaders, like James Kerr, Sally Jenkins, and Pat Lencioni.

Access an on-demand library of past guest interview video recordings and a easy-reference database of The Daily Coach Newsletter lessons.

4-month minimum commitment*

*The Daily Coach Network is for leaders who are actively engaged in the online community. We require that you make a 4-month minimum commitment, but if after 120 days you find you can't keep up with the required activity levels you may cancel your membership and another leader on the waitlist will take your place.

Apply Today

Accepted applicants will be invited to join on a first come, first serve basis.

1. Apply to The Daily Coach Network.

2. Complete the 20-minute video interview.

3. Join the community to learn with us.

4. Take the next step towards improving your team's performance.

What We Coach

The Daily Coach Network is designed for high-performance executives that shoulder the weight of their team's most important decisions. If you're brand new, early in your tenure, or preparing to join the C-suite, we'll help you transition from functional expert to your department's Chief 'Figure It Out' Officer.

Creating Strong Culture

Culture isn't something you define once and expect it to be followed by your team. To create an environment of trust and belonging it requires dedicated effort every day to reiterate your vision and purpose, to communicate your message and standards, and demonstrate what you're willing to tolerate.

Building a High Performance Team

Hiring can be high pressure when you have a vacancy or your team's performance rely's on it. But adding the wrong person to your team can be catastrophic and set you back months. Your team should be set up so they don't need you to operate the day-to-day so you can focus on the problems that only you can solve.

Leading People

Leadership starts with management of the self, putting on your oxygen mask before you help others on an airplane. You must push beyond prepared to anticipate future challenges and guide your team to success. All great leaders are teachers, developing their players to perform at the highest level.

Where great leaders become legendary.

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